
Far out in the outermost archipelago, with an unobstructed view of the horizon, lies the island of Biskopsön. It is the main island in a small archipelago group together with Kastön and Svärtskär.
The whole island is a nature reserve and has a very popular natural harbour for sailboats. Here you can spot semi-tame fallow deer that help keep the grass short in the open meadows or sunbathe on soft smooth cliffs that slope down into the always present sea.
Regarding the nature reserve
Biskopsön is a nature reserve managed by the County Administrative Board, where you also can read all about the rules for nature reserves here.
Explore with Street View
Did you know that you can have a look around the islands even before you travel? Go to Google Street View on the map by pulling the yellow icon (the figure) to the location you want to explore. Then click your way along hiking trails, forest paths, cliffs, and piers.