Brinkhall Manor
Located on the island of Kakskerta, Brinkhall Manor can trace its history back to the 16th century. Completed in 1793, the existing neoclassical buildings are surrounded by a rich natural and cultural landscape with parks and gardens that also go back many hundreds of years. As well as a summer café, Brinkhall Manor hosts art exhibitions, theatre productions, and classical concerts. There are also several seaside cottages available for rent, perfect for a summer escape.
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Located on the island of Kakskerta, Brinkhall Manor can trace its history back to the 16th century. Completed in 1793, the existing neoclassical buildings are surrounded by a rich natural and cultural landscape with parks and gardens that also go back many hundreds of years. As well as a summer café, Brinkhall Manor hosts art exhibitions, theatre productions, and classical concerts. There are also several seaside cottages available for rent, perfect for a summer escape.

Located on the island of Kakskerta, Brinkhall Manor can trace its history back to the 16th century. Completed in 1793, the existing neoclassical buildings are surrounded by a rich natural and cultural landscape with parks and gardens that also go back many hundreds of years. As well as a summer café, Brinkhall Manor hosts art exhibitions, theatre productions, and classical concerts. There are also several seaside cottages available for rent, perfect for a summer escape.

Located on the island of Kakskerta, Brinkhall Manor can trace its history back to the 16th century. Completed in 1793, the existing neoclassical buildings are surrounded by a rich natural and cultural landscape with parks and gardens that also go back many hundreds of years. As well as a summer café, Brinkhall Manor hosts art exhibitions, theatre productions, and classical concerts. There are also several seaside cottages available for rent, perfect for a summer escape.

Brinkhall gård ligger på ön Kakskerta och dess historia kan spåras ända tillbaka till 1500-talet. De befintliga byggnaderna i neoklassisk stil, som färdigställdes 1793, omges av ett rikt natur- och kulturlandskap med parker och trädgårdar som också går flera hundra år tillbaka i tiden. Brinkhall gård har ett sommarkafé och har även konstutställningar, teaterföreställningar och klassiska konserter. Det finns också flera stugor vid havet som man kan hyra – perfekt för en sommartur.