Ornö Båtvarv
Here you will find a guest harbour and cabins. The harbour offers safe mooring from northern Mysingen.
Long side and buoy mooring, 3 m depth. Jetties with electric power.
Cabins with self-catering.
Micro convenience store, small café with ice cream.
Bike rental.
Toilets, showers, and laundromat
Open year round, 24/7.
Explore location

We have seven cabins for rent with two to four beds each. In total there are 18 beds. The cabins have a small stove top kitchenette, running cold water, a microwave oven, a fridge, a coffee maker and a water boiler. All the cabins have their own small table with chairs outside the cabin.

Welcome to this small café! We offer coffee/tea, soda, pastries, sweets, chips and ice cream from Sia. The café is also open 24 hours with self-service.

Welcome to our guest harbor! We have toilets, water and waste collection. There is a small convenience store, and the showers open in the beginning of June.
This guest harbor is a small harbor with a nice informal and welcoming atmosphere. We have 20 places.

We have a small convenience store with self-service open 24 hours. There are dairy products, standard sandwich meats and cheese, rice, pasta, pasta sauce, frozen meat and fish, canned goods, soda, hygiene products etc. We recommend that our guests buy everything they need on the mainland and use our mini store to buy anything you may have forgotten to bring.